Fractions are not integers. They may or may not be rational numbers.
Rational numbers include integers, but they also include fractions.
They are both rational numbers
Because both can be expressed as fractions
Because they can be expressed as fractions albeit improper fractions
because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers. ... All integers (positive And negative) are rational numbers (not irrational).
Rational numbers are integers and fractions
because not all rational numbers are integers, recurring numbers, numbers to 1 decimal place and fractions are rational as well but all integers are rational
No, because all fractions are rational numbers
They are numbers in which the denominator does not go into the numerator a whole number of times.
Rational numbers include integers, but they also include fractions.
Integers are whole numbers. Rational numbers can be fractions / decimals. But it is NEVER a whole number E.G. of rational numbers : 3/4 or 1.5
They are both rational numbers
Because both can be expressed as fractions
yes integers,wholenumbers, naturalnumbers, fractions are rational numbers and they are real
Because they can be expressed as fractions albeit improper fractions
Integers are a subset of the set of all rational numbers. By definition, a rational number can be exactly expressed as the ratio of two integers. Only if the ratio can be simplified so that the denominator is 1 is a rational number an integer.
because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers. ... All integers (positive And negative) are rational numbers (not irrational).