yes but you need the exact numbers from the intervals in the table to make a stem and leaf plot.
A Histogram, a line plot and a line graph.
Make a table: for some different values of x, calculate the value of the function. Plot the points on a graph, and join them by lines.
Line Plot
use microsoft office excel ..!! tabulate the date and select the type of graph u want to plot :)
how do i make a stem and leaf plot with decimals
How is a frequency table different from a line plot how are they similar? Read more:
Wrong: 1) They are not the same 2) they are similar 3) A line plot plot on the number line and a frequency table doesn't have to Answer: But they both show the data in an easy-to-read way
A Histogram, a line plot and a line graph.
A line plot shows data on a number line with dots or x's to to show frequency. A frequency table is made by arranging collected data values in ascending order of magnitude with their corresponding frequencies. Both will show you the absolute frequency of any given value. And both give you a visual idea of the shape of the frequency and some intuition about outliers and things like that. You can count the number of dots or x on your line plot and create a frequency table. The difference is that one of them already has numbers counted for you. So for small numbers of data, either one will do the same job. But imagine if you have 10000000 points. You really don't want to count them using a line plot. A frequency table will tell you how often each data point occurs. However, if there are lots of values that these points can take on, the frequency table will have too many values to be of much use. The line plot will give us a good visual if there is lots of data, say 1000000 temp measurements, but we only look at the temps between 90-100 and only use integer values.
By adding up the (one by one,) the frequency total in order to find the cumulative frequency, most commonly, you just then plot this on a cumulative frequency graph or box plot.
To compare you find characteristics that are common to both. To contrast you list characteristics that are present in one but not in the other.
A box and whiskers plot, A frequency plot (ungrouped) A cumulative frequency plot (ungrouped), A grouped frequency of cu freq plot should give a number close to (and larger than) the greatest value.
first you draw another column and then from the grouped data you write the midpoints then you plot the frequency, and make sure also you are plotting the mid points for example: frequency 0<10 6 you would plot 5 in the x axis and 6 in the y axis
The purpose of a line plot is usually to see each frequency of the numbers.
Make a table: for some different values of x, calculate the value of the function. Plot the points on a graph, and join them by lines.
yes you can plot same things from a frequency graph on a line graph because it is the same thing :) peace
The plot of current vs. frequency is not symmetric because the equations for inductive reactance and capacitive reactance are not symmetric. One is linear and the other is inverse.