'Course they can, a square's a rhombus, right?
* * * * *
Not only can it, but it MUST.
Can be a rhombus or a square
2 pairs of parallel siades;2pairs of equal angles What am i?i`m a: rhombus
An equilateral hexagon would work. It has more than 2 pairs of parallel sides though. There is no shape with only 2 pairs of parallel sides besides a parallelogram.
No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides. A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram. It has all four sides equal length.
A Rhombus.
No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
Yes a rhombus has 2 pairs of equal opposite parallel sides.
A rhombus have 2 pairs of parallel sides, it has equal sides, 4 sides
A rhombus has 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides
If "rhumus" was meant to be "rhombus" and "pallrel" was meant to be "parallel", and if I understand the question correctly, then yes, a rhombus has two pairs of sides which are mutually parallel.
A rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
There are no parralel sides in a rhombus. * * * * * Wrong!
A rhombus has 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides
Equal sides, and 2 pairs of sides parallel.
A rhombus is a 4 sided quadrilateral which has 2 pairs of parallel sides and they are all equal in length