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An equality defines a specific point (or points). An inequality can define an interval.

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Q: Can equality or inequality define the interval on a number scale?
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What is arithmetic sentence?

All I know is a number sentence. It is one with an operation, (+-*/) and an inequality/equality.

What number will make -1 true?

-1 is -1. It can be neither true nor false as there is no equality or inequality sign.

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The word "is" implies equality - an equation. An equality would be expressed different, for example, "is more than", "is at least", etc.

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You solve an inequality in the same way as you would solve an equality (equation). The only difference is that if you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must reverse the inequality sign. Thus, if you have -3x < 9 to find x, you need to divide by -3. That is a negative number so -3x/(-3) > 9/(-3) reverse inequality x > -3

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There isn't an equality as the phrase is an inequality. Mathematically, it would be written: oranges_sold > 25

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What number makes the following true 36 plus 4 - 8 - 25?

The question contains an expression, not an equality or inequality. An expression cannot be true (or untrue).

What do you need to do to the inequality sign if you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number?

Leave it alone. You cannot make an inequality into an equality by multiplying both sides of the inequation by the same number. If instead of the inequality sign you are using a lesser or greater than sign, however, you will need to reverse it if you multiply both sides by the same negative number, e.g. 10>4. If you multiply both sides by -2, you need to change the > into a <, so -20<-8

Define intervals on the number scale?

An interval on the number scale is a set of numbers between two end-point. Thus the closed interval [a, b] comprises all number between a and b as well as the two end points. An interval is open if neither end point is included, and semi-open (or semi-closed) if one end in included and the other is not.

Is it possible for the graph of an inequality to consist of only one number?

No it is not if you have a single inequality. It you had a single point as the solution, then it effect you would have an equality. If you have x> or equal to 1 and x< or equal to 1 then the graph is the single point 1. So it is possible with systems of inequalities.

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There is no interval in a single number.

When subtracting a number from both sides of an inequality?

The inequality is maintained with the direction of the inequality unchanged.