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Q: Can you divide both sides of the equation by a negative number?
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Does an inequality sign change in an equation when both sides are multipled or divided by negative number?

The sign changes if you multiply/divide by a negative number. It stays the same if you add/subtract by a negative number.

The definition of division property of equality?

I think its a property in which both sides of an equation are equal either by adding, subtracting, multiplication, or division.

How is inequality differant from equation?

The difference is that instead of the sign "=", an inequality sign, for example "<" (less-than) is used. For solving inequalities, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide both sides by the same number, similar to an equation; however, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the direction of the inequality changes. For example, "<" becomes ">".

What are the properties in solving equations and inequations?

You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides of the equation or inequality by the same number. Don't multiply or divide by zero. In the case of an inequality, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the sign of the inequality must be reversed. E.g., if you multiply both sides by -2, a "less-than" sign should be replaced by a "greater-than" sign.

If 9w equals negative 54 what is W?

W is negative 6 (-6). The algebraic equation is 9w = -54 Divide both sides by 9 w = -6

If you multiply or divide both sides of an inquality by a negative number you need to?

Change the direction of the inequality.

What do you do with your inequality if you divide by both sides by a negative number?

If two sides of an inequality are multiplied (or divided) by a negative number, you have to invert the sign. For example, a "less-than" sign becomes a "greater-than" sign.

is this statement true or falseThe Multiplication Property of Equality states that an equation remains true if you divide both sides of the equation by the same number.?


What is the similarities of solving equations and inequalities?

You solve an inequality in exactly the same was as you solve an equation, by doing the same thing to both sides. The only difference is if you multiply/divide by a negative number, when you have to turn the inequality around.

What is Division Property of Equations?

You can divide both sides of an equation by any non-zero number and not affect its validity.

When you divide both sides of any inequality by a negative number you need to what the inequality symbol?

Flip it around

If you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a number you need to reverse the inequality sign?

negative flip