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no the cannot

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Q: Can linear pairs be more than two angles?
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Why H2S isn't a linear molecule?

because O has 2 non-bonding electron pairs. To add to this, when there are 2 non-bonding pairs, they become lone pairs which repulse the 2 hydrogen somewhat which changes the angle from 180 to 104.5.

In a linear pair of angles does one of the angles have to be obtuse?

Ordinarily, yes: one is acute (less than 90 degrees) and one is obtuse (more than 90 degrees), such that their sum is 180 degrees. The exception is if both angles are right angles (2 x 90 degrees).

How can a linear pair have one acute angle and one obtuse angle?

The two angles of a linear pair must add to 180 degrees. So if one is less than 90 degrees (acute) the other must be more than 90 degrees (obtuse).

Can a linear pair be more or less than 180 degrees?

No. They can only be exactly 180 degrees. By definition, a linear pair is a pair of two adjacent supplementary angles, so together they must form exactly 180 degrees.

Does a triangle have more angles than a pentagon?

No a pentagon has way more angles than a triangle does.

What is an angle of less than 45 degrees?

Angles less than 90 = actute Angles of 90 = right angle Angles more than 90 = obtuse Angles more than 180 = reflex

What shape has 2 pairs of equal sides but no right angles?

A parallelogram that isn't a rhombus, rectangle, or square has. Any polygon with more than 4 sides could also have.

Has a rhombus got more than one obtuse angle and has no parallel sides?

A rhombus always has four equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It may have either two obtuse angles or no obtuse angles. If it has no obtuse angles, then that particular rhombus also qualifies as a square.

Can a parallelogram have more than 2 pairs of lines?

Yes it can have more than two pairs of lines just look at a hexagon

Does a hexagonal prism have more than 3 pairs of parallel edges?

yes it does has more than 3 pairs of parrallel edges

What is a shape that has two pair of equal sides and no right angles and is not a parallelogram?

Any shape with more than 3 sides can have two pairs of equal sides and no right angles. If it only has 4 sides in total and isn't a parallelogram, then it's a trapezoid.