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Here's a tip: You don't even need a sonometer. The frequncy of DC is zero.

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Q: Can sonometer be used to find frequency of DC?
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Does dc have hertz?


What is frequency of dc?

You can say DC voltage has a frequency of zero Hz.Because it is unidirectional in nature (may be positive or negative)

How do you decide whether the variable frequency drive is compatible with my DC motor or not?

Variable frequency Drive is not compatible with a DC Motor. VFD can be used only with AC motors, where frequency plays a key role in defining the speed of the motor.

What is the frequency of 27 DC volts?

Basically, "frequency" applies to AC, not to DC. If you want to assign it a frequency, the frequency is zero. The amount of volts is not relevant.

What is the Difference between frequency converter and frequency inverter?

frequency is genrally cycle per second, and frequencies may be of a dc nature or ac , devices which convert dc frequency in to an ac frequency are frequency converters and devieces which convert ac frequency in to dc frequency are frequency inverters. because in terms of power electronics, devices which convert ac to dc are called converters, and devices which convert dc in to ac are called "inverters" 'mehboob hunzai" I'm a engineers in this devices, the frequency inverter is convert AC to AC but with variable frequency output, means the frequency & voltage are adjustable; The frequency converter can convert DC to AC, like 24VDC to 220VAC and also the frequency is adjustable. One most important thing is the out power of frequency inverter just can be used for controlling AC motor, while frequency converter can be treated as normal power supply as our daily using power grid. "zhuge fs"

How dc power is converted into ac power in inverter?

Dc is used to power an oscillator circuit of which the frequency can be controlled such as 60 HZ.

What is the need of frequency in electrical power?

Transformers are used in AC circuits and won't work for DC. A frequency of 60Hz is popular in the USA.

What is sweep voltage?

A: Sometimes a spectrum of frequency must be analyzed a voltage to frequency converter can be used to sweep a range of frequency just by changing some DC level.

What is voltage sweep generator?

A: Sometimes a spectrum of frequency must be analyzed a voltage to frequency converter can be used to sweep a range of frequency just by changing some DC level.

Why use DC circuit when frequecy is zero?

DC has no frequency.

What is frequency in relation to a battery?

dc does not have frequency only ac

Why synchronous motor is used in ac and dc?

A synchronous motor is used only with a.c. Its speed is dependent on the frequency of the a.c.