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Yes for example the square root of 1/4 is 1/2

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Q: Can square roots be written as a fraction?
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How do you convert a square root into a fraction?

Most square roots are irrational numbers and cannot be represented as a fraction.

What is the square root of 25 in fraction?

The square roots of 25 are integers, not fractions.

What is the square root of 106 in fraction form such as the square root of 125 is 5 square roots of 5?

root 2 x root 53

How do you calculate square roots as irrational numbers?

You can approximate a square root as a decimal or fraction. If you want the exact number, you have to leave it with the square root sign.

What is the square root of 148 in fraction form?

The square roots of 148 are irrational number and so cannot be represented in fractional form.

What is the square root of 81 in fraction form?

The square roots of 81 are integers, not fractions. So there are no sensible ways to express them as fractions.

Are all square roots rational?

No. A number will have a rational square root, only if both the numerator and denominator of the simplified fraction are squares of integers.

What is the cube root of 6 in fraction?

Most square roots, cube roots, etc. - including this one - are irrational numbers. That means you can't write them exactly as a fraction. Of course, you can calculate the cubic root with a calculator or with Excel, then find a fraction that is fairly close to it.

What is the square root of 50 turned into fraction?

The square roots of 50 are irrational numbers. You cannot turn irrational numbers into fractions, which are rational numbers.

What does nesting of square roots means?

Nesting of square roots refers to the situation when a square root is written inside another square root. For example, if we have √(√9), this is an example of nesting square roots. It means that we are taking the square root of a number, and then taking the square root of that result.

What is the computer symbol for square roots and power exponents?

Exponents are usually written like this: 3^2 means "3 to the second power". Square roots are often written with sqrt in front, such as as sqrt(5)

What is the fraction for square root of 9?

In general, it's impossible to represent square roots as fractions of rational numbers; however, in the specific case of 9, it's a perfect square and the roots are 3 and -3. If you insist on fractions, 3/1 and -3/1.