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The distance travelled by a particle cannot be zero when displacement is not zero because unlike distance which is a scalar, displacement is a vector quantity implying that it has both direction and magnitude.

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Adah Doyle

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Q: Can the distance travelled by the particle be zero when the displacement is not zero?
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Can the distance travelled by a particle be zero when displacement is not zero?

Yes, the distance travelled by a particle can be zero even when the displacement is not zero. This can happen when the particle moves back and forth along the same path, resulting in a net displacement of zero but no actual distance covered.

If the displacement of particle is zero then the distance travelled by it will be?


If displacement of a particle is zero?

If displacement of a particle is zero in a uniform circular motion, then the distance travelled by that particle is not zero, kinetic energy is constant, speed is constant and work done is zero

Are distance and displacement the same?

distance travel led by a particle in a given interval of time is known as displacement. displacement=distance traveled by time taken.Displacement may be zero. it is path length which a particle travels.distance should not be zero.

An object has moved though a distance can it have zero displacement it yes support your answer with an example?" Yes If a body travel a distance S from X to Y and return to X then distance travelled is 2S but displacement is zero In a uniform circular motion, the distance travelled by a body in one revolution is 2Ï€r but displacement is zero

Is it necessary that if displacement is zero distance traveled also should be zero?

No. Consider the distance between your school and home is 30 km. you would travel to and fro daily, that means you would travel a distance of 60 km. In this scenario, Distance travelled = 60 km whereas, Displacement = 0

Can distance be negative in physics?

In physics, distance is a scalar quantity that represents the absolute value of the length between two points. It is always positive or zero because it only denotes the magnitude of separation. Negative distances are not used in physics.

What is true for displacement cannot be zero 2. its magnitude is greater than the distance traveled by the object?

Neither of the statements is universally true. Displacement can be zero if the starting and ending points are the same. The magnitude of displacement can be equal to, less than, or greater than the distance traveled by the object, depending on the path taken.

Can distance ever be negative?

No. Distance is never negative, and total distance travelled doesn't decrease during a trip. The distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A. Displacement, on the other hand, can be negative, and can decrease during a trip. The displacement from A to B is the same magnitude, but opposite sign, as the displacement from B to A. An example would be if you went from your home to a friend's house 1 mile to the east. After you reach your friend's house, you have travelled a distance of 1 mile and your displacement from your starting position is 1 mile. When you come back home from your friends house, you travel a distance of 1 more mile. Your total distance travelled is now 2 miles, but your displacement from your starting location is zero (because you are back where you started.)

Will the displacement of a moving object in a given interval of time is zerowould the distance traveled by the object also be zero justify?

Not necessarily. Displacement looks at the change in position from the start to end points regardless of the path taken, while distance traveled looks at the actual path length. If the object moves back and forth within the interval, the displacement could be zero but the distance traveled would not be zero.

Can displacement can be zero even when distance is not zero?

No. Distance can be greater than displacement, but not less. The magnitude of the displacement between two points is also the minimum possible distance of a path between the same points.However, the displacement can be zero if the distance is not if the object's starting point and ending point are the same.

Is it possible displacement be zero but distance not?

Yes, it is possible for displacement to be zero while distance is not. This can happen when an object moves in different directions and its total movement results in a non-zero distance, while the net change in position (displacement) from start to finish is zero.