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An example: the data set {1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5} has median = Q1 = Q3 = 2.

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Q: Can the median of the data set be the same as Q1 and Q3?
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How is a Boxplot skewed if the median is in the right side of the box but the right line is longer then the left line?

The median is Q2, if it is on the right side of the box, then then it is close to Q3 than it is to Q1. If the right line ( whisker) is longer than the left, it mean the biggest outlier is farther from Q3 than the smallest outlier is from Q1. All of this means the population from which the data was sampled was skewed to the right.

What does IQR mean in mathematics?

It stands for the Inter-Quartile Range. Given a set of observations, put them in ascending order. The lower quartile (Q1) is the observation such that a quarter of the observations are smaller (and three quarters are at least as large). The upper quartile (Q3) is the observation such that a quarter are larger. [The middle one (Q2) is the median.] Then IQR = Q3 - Q1

What does the box represent in a box and whisker plot?

The box represents your Q1, Q2 (median) and Q3, so it is your interquartile range. The Q1 is the first box line, the Q2 is the middle one and the Q3 is the closing line. Your interquartile range basically tells you where 50% of the people are.

What is the interquartile range 23 2 5 14 25 36 27 42 12 8 7 23 29 26 28 11 20 31 8 36?

For the numbers: 23 25 14 25 36 27 42 12 8 7 23 29 26 28 11 20 31 8 and 36 Q1=12 Q3=29 so IQR=29-12=17 If the second and third numbers are 2 and 5 and it is not 25 then it is 9.5 and28.5. Sadly this site still does not support commas in the questions so one cannot tell for sure. The two easy ways to find interquartile range or IQR are to either use a calculator like the TI 83, or by hand. By hand you find Q2 which is the median. That divides the data into two halves. Now Q1 is the median of the first half and Q3 is the median of the second half. Subtract Q1 from Q3 and you have IQR.

What is the first quartile of this data set 6 47 49 15 43 41 7 36?

The first quartile is the value such that a quarter of the data are smaller than that value and three quarters are larger. Since there are 8 observations, the quartile will be between the second and the third smallest values. Therefore, Q1 = (7+15)/2 = 11

Related questions

How do find the interquartile range in your data?

Arrange the data in increasing order and count the number of data points = N. Find the integer K = N/2 or (N+1)/2. The Kth number in the ordered set is the median. Now consider only the numbers from the smallest to the median and find the median of this subset. This is the lower quartile = Q1. Then consider only the numbers from the original median to the largest. Find the median of this subset. It is the upper quartile = Q3. Then IQR = Q3 - Q1

How do you find q1?

In order to find Q1, you must first find Q2. Q2 is the median, or middle, for the entire set of given data. If the data set is 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 ,4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, then Q2 would be 4. Therefore, the first half of the data set is 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. Q1 is the median for the first half of data. Since there are an even number of entries for the first half, the two middle numbers are averaged. Thus, 2+3=5, and 5/2=2.5. Q1 equals 2.5.

How do you find the 25 percentile and the 75 percentile of a university?

find the median of the set of data. and then find the quartiles. Q1 would be the 25th and Q3 would be the 75th

Why isn't the median in the middle of a box and whisker plot?

The median is between Q1 and Q3 and is the same as Q2. These are the same as 25%, 50% and 75% so the median is in the middle of the box in a box and whisker plot.

How can you use a box and whisker plot to describe test scores?

You need to find the median first. That will divide the data into two halves. The median is also known as Q2 or second quartile. Now take the first half of you data and find the median of that half. This is known as Q1. Do the same with the second half and that is Q3. You box has Q1 on the left, Q3 on the right and Q2 in the middle. The whiskers will be the range of your data, that is to say the upper and lower extremes. You will graph the quartiles and the extremes with the scale underneath them. A link with pictures is provided. The 5 numbers, Q1, Q2, Q3 and the extremes(max and min values) are known as the 5 number summary.

What are outliers and how do they affect data?

Outliers are observations that are unusually large or unusually small. There is no universally agreed definition but values smaller than Q1 - 1.5*IQR or larger than Q3 + 1.5IQR are normally considered outliers. Q1 and Q3 are the lower and upper quartiles and Q3-Q1 is the inter quartile range, IQR. Outliers distort the mean but cannot affect the median. If it distorts the median, then most of the data are rubbish and the data set should be examined thoroughly. Outliers will distort measures of dispersion, and higher moments, such as the variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis etc but again, will not affect the IQR except in very extreme conditions.

How A five-number summary (min Q1 median Q3 max) for a set of data is (15203550115). Which is the largest number listed below that is not an outlier?

It is no ossible to answer the question because all the digits have been run together to form a single large number.

How do you calculate Q1 Q3 and IQR?

to calculate Q1 and Q3, you must first find Q2 - the median. count from wither end of the sample until you find the sole middle number, or find the average of the 2 middle numbers. then, complete the same process to the left of Q2 for Q1, and also on the right for Q3. the IQR is just Q3 - Q1.

How is a Boxplot skewed if the median is in the right side of the box but the right line is longer then the left line?

The median is Q2, if it is on the right side of the box, then then it is close to Q3 than it is to Q1. If the right line ( whisker) is longer than the left, it mean the biggest outlier is farther from Q3 than the smallest outlier is from Q1. All of this means the population from which the data was sampled was skewed to the right.

What is the interquartile range?

Like the standard deviation, the interquartile range (IQR) is a descriptive statistic used to summarize the extent of the spread of your data. The IQR is the distance between the 1st quartile (25th percentile) and 3rd quartile (75th percentile). Q3 - Q1 = IQR To find these numbers you must divide your data set in half, and find the median of each half and that will be your Q1 and Q3. If you have an odd number, then EXCLUDE the median of the entire set, so as follows: For example, take the following dataset: 3 5 7 8 9 21 40 90 120 We exclude the 9 as the median of the whole set and the 1st quartile is 6 (5+7 divided by 2) and the 3rd quartile is 65 (40+90 divided by 2), making the IQR = 65-6=59. OR If you have this set: 3 5 7 8 40 90 120 We exclude the 8 as the median of the whole set and the 1st quartile is 5 and the 3rd quartile is 90. (90 - 5 = 85.)

What is the example of the lower quartile?

Lower Quartile (Q1): the number that divides the lower half of the data into two equal halves. For example, given this data: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 41, 42 The Median is 29. Now, you need to find the lower quartile. You want to look at all the data that is below the median, so: 25, 26, 27, 28, The median splits the data into two groups. Find the median of the lower group, which is 26.5 ((26+27)/2). The lower quartile is 26.5

What is the 5 number summary for a box and whisker plot?

Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value