Yes, because He does everything He said He would do. God knows the desires of your heart and knows what you are thinking before you ever thought it.He knows everything about you so why would you not want to count on Him.
There are several ways to increment a variable:$count = $count +1;$count += 1;$count++;++$count;
you can count to infinity 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.............
How do you count by sevens
It means you are prepared to count on God to keep you from harm or help you to do what you are trying to do.
Nobody "invented" it, unless you count God!
GOD yes. He was an astrophysicist.
God has too many attributes to count as he is infinite. however, there are over 500 mentioned in the Bible
One might count Demeter or Aphrodite.
No. Jupiter is a god. heroes are half god and half human i.e. demigod.
Type your answer here... more than you can count
Believe it or not, Count Dooku. GOD bless Anakin Obi Wan Kenobi Qui Gon Jinn Count Dooku.
God is mentioned 50 times in the book of Mark KJV (by my count in my trusty copy of Strong's.)
so many that not even god can count how many codes there is!
If you count Bacchus, Dionysus's Roman version, he was a halfblood before he proved himself in a battle, and was turned into a god.