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Q: Can you make half a circle using only sevenths?
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If you had a fraction pieces of sevenths do you think you could make half a circle using only sevenths why or why not?

Yes. If you had 3.5 sevenths, that is exactly a half.

Can you make a half of a circle using only thirds?

i do not think so

How do you make a full circle into a half circle?

Fold it in half.

How to make a circle by using only ruler and pencil?

There is a hole in the ruler (i.e.) circle just make the circle using that

What are two arcs that make up the circle?

Half of the circle is an arc

What shapes make up the net of a cone?

a half circle and a circle

How do you make a full circle into a half circle in crocheting a hat?

Take the full circle and fold it in half by taking one edge and bringing it to the other side of the circle.

How do you make paper pattern quarter circle with 18 inch radius?

Make circle with 18 inch radius, fold in half, fold in half.

How do you get the degree's in a circle to make 180 degree's?

Cut it in half

How do you draw a fermata?

you can't draw a fermata on the computer but to draw a fermata on paper you would make a half circle with a dot inside of the half circle

Can I make whipped cream using half and half?

Yes, you can make whipped cream using half and half, but it may not be as thick or stable as using heavy cream due to the lower fat content in half and half.

Can you make whipped cream using half and half?

Yes, you can make whipped cream using half and half, but it may not be as thick or stable as using heavy cream due to the lower fat content in half and half.