A mixed number has a whole number and a fraction. A fraction is a number that is less than whole and that has a denominator underneath a numerator. To add or subtract mixed numbers, add or subtract the fractions, then add or subtract the whole numbers. If the fraction portion of a mixed number, such as 2 5/6, is more than the fraction portion of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from, such as 3 1/6, you must borrow from the whole number of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from to make its fraction bigger... Please comment on my answers I do not have a Facebook account...
you take away one of the whole number=then you add or subtract your fractions=
It is 42.
x = 42.
No, you cannot add or subtract under the radical. The radical represents the square root function, and it only operates on the number or expression that is inside the radical. To add or subtract, you need to simplify the expressions inside the radical first.
Change the whole number into an improper fraction with the same denominator as the fraction and then subtract accordingly
You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.
A mixed number has a whole number and a fraction. A fraction is a number that is less than whole and that has a denominator underneath a numerator. To add or subtract mixed numbers, add or subtract the fractions, then add or subtract the whole numbers. If the fraction portion of a mixed number, such as 2 5/6, is more than the fraction portion of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from, such as 3 1/6, you must borrow from the whole number of the mixed number you're trying to subtract from to make its fraction bigger... Please comment on my answers I do not have a Facebook account...
When you subtract one number from another, the result is called the difference. What does your question mean? If by "when two whole numbers are subtracted" you mean that you subtract one whole number from the minuend, and then you subtract another whole number from the difference, then the answer you get is another difference. In effect, you have one minuend and two subtrahends.
You have to turn the percentage into a decimal.
you take away one of the whole number=then you add or subtract your fractions=
It is 42.
u just bfffl