It can be.
No it is not.
A whole number is definitely a real number! For example say you have the number 7. 7 is a real number, because it doesn't have any decimals or fractions! Hope that helps! A whole number is a real number. A real number can be a fraction, a negative, a positive number, rational, or an irrational number. A whole number is a positive number or zero.
YES. Every whole number is a real number too.
It is all of them except an irrational number.
It can be.
No it is not.
If by "radical" you mean "square root of", then yes. Both square roots of 25 are real numbers.
Neither.For any whole number there is a real number which is bigger and for any real number there is a whole number which is bigger.
A whole number IS a real number so you do not have to do anything.
No, most real numbers are not whole numbers.
A whole number is definitely a real number! For example say you have the number 7. 7 is a real number, because it doesn't have any decimals or fractions! Hope that helps! A whole number is a real number. A real number can be a fraction, a negative, a positive number, rational, or an irrational number. A whole number is a positive number or zero.
YES. Every whole number is a real number too.
It is a real number, but it is not a whole number
It is all of them except an irrational number.