In order to change 3/40 to a decimal, you would have to divide the numbers. 3 divided by 40 = .075
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 38/40 = 0.95
91 over 40 = 91 divided by 40 = 2.275
31/40 = 31 ÷ 40 = 0.775
17/40 as a decimal is 0.425
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 17/40 is equal to 0.425.
-17/40 is equivalent to -0.425
In order to change 3/40 to a decimal, you would have to divide the numbers. 3 divided by 40 = .075
Five over 40 as a decimal is 0.125.
25 over 40 as a decimal is 0.625.
3 and 11 over 40 as a decimal is 3.275
In math 40 over 66 written as a decimal is 0.60606060606060.
17/40 = 0.425
0.7530/40:= 30 ÷ 40= 0.75 in decimal
57/40 - 1.425 in decimal form
to make percentages like 40% of 70 you'd change the percentage 40% to a decimal so 40% becomes .40 and you multiply (remember multiplying decimals multiply normally and when you're done move the decimal over by how many numbers are behind the decimal)answer : 2870*.40-----28.00