Liu Hui
Liu Hui
Pi was first computed by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Archimedes.
Isac Newton
Zu Chongzhi was the Chinese mathematician who computed the value if pi.
Liu Hui
Liu Hui
There is some doubt about this. In the third century, the Chinese mathematician Liu Hui calculated the value of pi by inscribing a polygon with 96 sides and a 192-gon. The average of these values gave pi = 3.141864.It has been claimed that he also found pi = 3927/1250 = 3.1416. However, many scholars believe that this more accurate figure was derived by the Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi. in the 5th Century. Later in life, Zu Chongzhi is known to have computed π between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927, which is correct to seven decimal places.
Pi was first computed by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Archimedes.
Japanese mathematician Yasumasa Kanada, who computed trillions of digits for pi, is an IT professor at the University of Tokyo.
Isac Newton
Archimedes was the first Western mathematician to make a serious attempt at calculating the value of pi. His estimated, that pi was between 3.1408 and 3.1429.
Pi is a number between 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 and 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511 First estimated by Greek mathematician Archimedes around 250 B.C., Chinese mathematician Zu Chong Zhi confirmed the actual value of pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and appears as a constant in many mathematical expressions. It is represented by the symbol π. It has over 200 billion decimal places.
Srinivasa Ramanujan