Pi was first computed by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Archimedes.
These are the first 31 digits of pi:3.1415926535897932384626433832795The number not found is zero
70685.8mm2 (rounded to the nearest tenth) The area of a circle can be found by the formula: A = pi * radius2, or A = pi * (diameter/2)2 Thus, A = pi * (300mm/2)2 = (22500*pi) mm2, or approximately 70685.8mm2
625*pi, or approximately 1,963 square feet This is the answer for square feet or area of the circle. pi*radius squared . The linear feet or circumference is found by multiplying the diameter times pi. answer is 50*pi or about 157 feet rounding pi to 3.14
The surface area of a sphere can be found with the formula 4pi * r2. Assuming the hemisphere is exactly half of a sphere, the surface area of a hemisphere can be found using the formula A = 2pi * r2 + pi * r2 Which can be written as A = pi(3r2) 942cm/pi = 3r2 314cm/pi = r2 r = 10cm (approximately) The radius of the hemisphere is approximately 10cm.
pi was found when they realized that the radius of any circle is the amount of the perimeter multiplied by pi aka 3.14 and so on.
The value of pi is found by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter and pi is an irrational number which means it can not be expressed as a fraction.
the founder of the longest pi is...
Impossible, Pi has no end.
In circles in nature.
The numerical value of pi is often found using a Taylor or Maclaurin series (Taylor series centered at 0).
These are the first 31 digits of pi:3.1415926535897932384626433832795The number not found is zero.
Since circumference is found by multiplying pi by the diameter of the circle, the diameter can by found using the inverse operation. diameter = circumference/pi
Pi had been found over 2,000 years before Einstein was born.
Pi is an experimentally found value that always works for circles, so we use it. Mathematical pi is not pie. it is a Greek letter pi.
22 over 7
These are the first 31 digits of pi:3.1415926535897932384626433832795The number not found is zero