the correct way is to simply write 3 and a colon following it then write down 2 zeroes followed by hrs
[lastname], [firstname] jr.
The correct way to write it is ' 120 '.The correct way to say it is "One hundred twenty".
The correct way to write fireplace is as one word - "fireplace."
The correct way to write it is "Have you had a chance?" "Did you had a chance?" is grammatically incorrect and should be "Did you have a chance?"
The correct way to write 95 in standard form is 9.5 × 101
1012 is the correct way to write it but if you mean in words the 1 thousand and twelfth
The correct way is to write New Year's Eve.
the correct way to write it is like this; spread
The correct way to write 12:00 noon is "12:00 PM."
It is 3 and 52/100 or 3.52 as a decimal
12 am
The correct way to write the title of a song is simple. You simply need to capitalize every important word.