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The inverse of a non-singular, n*n matrix, A Is another n*n matrix, A' such that A*A' = A'*A =I(n), the n*n identity matrix.

Singular square matrices do not have inverses, nor do non-square matrices.

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Q: Definition of inverse matrix
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Let A by an nxn non-singular matrix, then A-1 is the inverse of A. Now (A-1 )-1 =A So the answer is yes.

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Define inverse of matrix?

From Wolfram MathWorld: The inverse of a square matrix A, sometimes called a reciprocal matrix, is a matrix A-1 such that AA-1=I where I is the identity matrix.

Does every square matrix have an inverse?

No. A square matrix has an inverse if and only if its determinant is nonzero.

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it is used to find the inverse of the matrix. inverse(A)= (adj A)/ mod det A

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The fact that the matrix does not have an inverse does not necessarily mean that none of the variables can be found.

How do you call a matrix that if you multiplied it by the original matrix you would get the identity matrix?

That is called an inverse matrix

Which matrix has no multiplicative inverse?

A rectangular (non-square) matrix.

How to find the inverse of a square matrix?

You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.

How to find the inverse of a symmetric matrix?

You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.