Estimating mixed numbers may not be a good idea when precise measurements are crucial, such as in scientific experiments or architectural designs. In these situations, even small errors in estimation could lead to significant inaccuracies. Additionally, when dealing with financial transactions or recipe measurements, estimating mixed numbers could result in incorrect amounts, leading to financial discrepancies or unsatisfactory outcomes. Therefore, it is important to use exact calculations for accurate results in such scenarios.
it would not be a good time to estimate mixed numbers is when both of the fractions are not a mixed number
There is no answer because there are no mixed #.
you cant divide mixed numbers
Mixed numbers and integers are different things.
The question is misguided because, in fact, two mixed numbers can be added to equal 2. For example: 31/2 and (-11/2), when added together, give 2. There is no reason to restrict mixed numbers to positive mixed numbers!
it would not be a good time to estimate mixed numbers is when both of the fractions are not a mixed number
you dont
No. Mixed numbers are a number and a fraction.
what is the definition for dividing mixed numbers
Find the sum of two mixed numbers by applying the procedure for adding mixed numbers, Solve a real-world problem by subtracting mixed numbers.
Mixed numbers have fractional parts that must be compared; whole numbers do not.
There is no answer because there are no mixed #.
A mixed number is a rational number. Mixed numbers are not a rational number but many of them.
you cant divide mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 360 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 3710 are not normally expressed as mixed numbers.