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At the Brother in Parhump NV.

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Q: Describe a situation where you would consider using cluster sampling?
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How do multistage sampling applies to real life situation?

Multistage sampling is a form of cluster sampling where instead of using the entire cluster, random samples from each cluster are used. This is typically used when doing opinion polls or surveys.

What is the difference between quota sampling and cluster sampling?

What is the difference between quota sampling and cluster sampling

Is cluster sampling random?

It can be but it is not simple random sampling.

What are the various kind of sampling?

They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.

What does all the population in a certain area make up?

What I believe you are referring to is cluster sampling or cluster. In cluster sampling, the population is divided into clusters and all population members in the cluster are sampled.

Breifly explain three different examples of sampling?

simple random, stratified sampling, cluster sampling

Mention different types of sampling in statistics.?

Simple Random Sample Stratified Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Systematic Sampling Convenience Sampling

Which sampling method is based on probability?

There are many such methods: cluster sampling, stratified random sampling, simple random sampling.Their usefulness depends on the circumstances.

Which one is called non probability sampling a. cluster sampling b.quota sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling?

Answer is Quota sampling. Its one of the method of non-probability sampling.

What are advantages and disadvantages in cluster sample?

Advantages of cluster sampling include that it's inexpensive, fast, and simple. A disadvantage is that it is known to have a high sampling error.

When a research problem is related to heterogenous population the most suitable sampling method is?

cluster sampling

What is a cluster sampling?

Cluster sampling is sampling technique that is used when natural groups are evident. In one-stage cluster sampling (Elementary Statistics, p. 24, by Triola), all members of these selected clusters are surveyed. Rigorous rules to define members of the cluster are needed. A member can not belong to two clusters. Surveys of people conducted in geographical different areas of the country would be an example of cluster sampling. Because different definitions/ explanations exist, I've included three links for further reading. See the following links: