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A cluster is a group of data, or a bunch. A gap is a huge interval. An outlier is a piece of data that is really small or really big.

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Q: What is a cluster gaps and outliers of a line plot?
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Related questions

What is cluster on a line plot?

A cluster is where the majority of the data are plotted.

What is a cluster on a line graph?

A cluster in a line graph is the major part of the line graph that connects to the plot.

How do you find clusters on a box and whisker plot?

You cannot, unless they are all outliers, and the plot records outliers separately.

How can an outlier be determined in a line plot?

If is does not cluster with the other points on a plot. example; the asterik is the outlier ........ ... ...... ...... .. ........ .. ...... ... .. . ...... __________* .. .. . . . . . .. ..

In a data plot about half the data points will lie below the line that best fits?

Yes. The exception arises when you have outliers.

What does the whisker in a box-and-whisker plot represent?

The whiskers mark the ends of the range of figures - they are the furthest outliers. * * * * * No. Outliers are not part of a box and whiskers plot. The whiskers mark the ends of the minimum and maximum observations EXCLUDING outliers. Outliers, if any, are marked with an X.

What is a graph that shows data along a number line?

A dot plot is a type of graph that shows data points along a number line. Each data point is represented by a dot above the corresponding value on the number line. Dot plots are useful for displaying the distribution of data and identifying patterns or outliers.

What does the math term gaps mean?

The word gap means a big space with no #s on a line plot.

How do you spot an anomalous result in science?

The easiest way is to plot the values on a number line, then look at any outliers and consider whether they may be anomalies.

What is a cluster in data?

a data culster is where on a line plot there is alot of data in one section that has a large amount of data.

Do outliers count when calculating the range of a box and whisker plot?

no max-min

How do you Create a box plot of data that does not have any outliers?

Go into your data to determine which values are outliers and if they're significant and random (not an apparent group), eliminate them. This will take them out of your boxplot.