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Did girls and boys "had" the same education oppurunities...I don't understand your question. U need to work on Grammer...and also...What area on EARTH are you talking about? (Did girls and boys "had" the same education opportunities in________?)

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Q: Did girls and boys had the same education opportunities?
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Is girls' education the same as boys' education in North Korea?

Yes the same education for Boys & Girls refer wikipedia [MALE-99.5% , FEMALE-97.3% ]

Should boys and girls be given same education and opportunities?

sure the boys and the girls should get the same education and the same opportunities, and give them the choice wether to take that chance or not. there is no difference between girls and boys, i think that girls improved that they are ready to do everything that the men do, and they could compete them too. in the past the men thought that girls were those tinny creatures that should be kept home, and they are not suppose to work hard, not even think hard. which was kind of ignorant, even when they used to see how the women can be strong.

How did the education of Jewish Boy and girls differ?

Education of Jewish boys and girls are the same.

Why should boys and girls be educated together?

Unless you live on a planet where it's just girls or just boys, why shouldnt boys and girls be educated together? One sex isn't given a better education than the other. Maybe the wealth status is different, but thats it.

Do boys and girls go to school in Australia?

Yes, all children have the same right to education. The state provides education in which boys and girls are educated together, although some private schools are boys only or girls only.

What is the term for teaching boys and girls together in the same classroom?

Co education

How did Mary Wollstonecraft encourage the same rights for all citizens?

Mary Wollstonecraft promoted the concept of equal education, for girls as well as boys. (Gender inequality in this regard has still not been comprehensively addressed in the last 100 years, particularly in developing countries.)

Which of the following was a belief of the Enlightenment thinker Mary Wollstonecraft?

Women should have the same opportunities for education as men.Women should have the same opportunities for education as men.

How do society make distinctions between girls and boys?

A modern society doesn't make distinctions between girls and boys. They are treated the same educationally and socially. Gender based treatment should be discontinued so that all children have equal access to protection, respect and opportunities.

Why do girls lie to boys?

For the same reasons girls lie to boys. Either they like him/her

Why girls should participate in physical education?

Every body has the rights to play and the physical demand of a person is same either Boys or Girls, To keep them selves healthy and fit its prominent to have a healthy environment, So Girls Must participate in the Physical Education.

Why boys education is more important than girls education?

Girls lack Education because of some very common reasons: poverty, gender violence, and more. Preference for boys' Education is given more because of the mentality of many parents and society that a girl should focus more on domestic chores rather than her studies and growth and they don't want to invest much in her education. Girls are deprived of education because of the above-mentioned reasons. I have known a website named SheKunj. one of the best platforms for girls to get Educated and Empowered. FREE online training and courses are available here, like the basics of cloud computing, fundamentals of digital marketing, personality development and communication, and many more. It provides opportunities to every woman out there who desires to learn and grow.