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Q: Do isolines ever touch or cross each other?
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When drawing isolines on a map what are the three rules you should always follow?

The lines should never touch, they should only include the correct numbers between them, and they must always close.

Can parallel lines ever cross each other?

No, parallel actually means that the lines will never touch or cross

What is an intersecting line?

An intersection is the point at which two or more lines touch or cross, therefore, lines are intersecting when they cross each-other.

What are the differences between parallel an intersecting lines?

parrallel lines run side by side and do not touch intersecting cross each other

What is the difference between cross hairs and stadia hairs?

cross hair cross each other but stadia hair do not cross each other

Why do some girls fist each other?

Because you touch yourself at night. And they touch each other.

Do your forearm bones cross each other?

No, the forearm bones do not cross each other. The radius and ulna are parallel to each other in the forearm.

Why normal distribution curve does not touch each other?

A single curve cannot touch "each other" since "each other" implies two curves.

What are Lines that cross each other?

intersecting lines...

What are intersecting lines are lines that cross each other?

Yes, well the don't have to cross they can just run into each other

Do the bones in your forearm intersect or cross each other?

No, the bones in your forearm do not intersect or cross each other. They run parallel to each other, with the radius and ulna bones running alongside each other from the elbow to the wrist.

What are lines that cross over each other called?

Just because they cross over each other doesn't mean they aren't still called lines.