parrallel lines run side by side and do not touch
intersecting cross each other
That's the only kind of parallel lines there are, non-intersecting!
In 2D geometry, that is the definition of parallel lines. Two non-intersecting lines are indeed parallel.
The question is baffling. They're not different. Perpendicular lines must be intersecting lines.The only lines that are not intersecting lines are parallel lines. If two lines arenot parallel, then they must intersect, and they can be perpendicular or not.
Lines in the same plane that are not parallel are intersecting lines.
Yes and it also has intersecting lines
The difference between intersecting and parallel lines is that, on a graph parallel lines do ont touch,cross or anything. THEY NEVER TOUCH. intersecting lines touch, or cross eachother.\
are intersecting lines never parallel YES intersecting lines do not have the ability to be parallel
they aren't parallel because they intersect if they we're parallel they wouldn't be intersecting lines
Yes, they can be two existing lines (not intersecting) and it can be parallel.
That's the only kind of parallel lines there are, non-intersecting!
No, they aren't, because they are intersecting (parallel lines never intersect).
No, parallel lines do not intersect, and never will.
In 2D geometry, that is the definition of parallel lines. Two non-intersecting lines are indeed parallel.
They are parallel lines
no. parallel lines never touch.
Two lines in two intersecting planes can be parallel, intersecting, or skew.