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No but there was this one man who memorized 1 thousand out of one millon

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Q: Do some people have to memorize pi?
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Related questions

Why do people memorize digits of pi?

To exercise their memory.

What is a sentence using the word memorize?

I have to memorize these lines for the play in a week. Memorize the scientific method for tomorrow. I memorize pi for fun in my free time.

How many digits of pi did the current pi champ memorize?

100,000, in October 2011

How many digits of pi did Mark Dettinger memorize?


How many digits of pi did gaurav memorize and recite?


How many digits of pi did Hiroyoki Gotu memorize?


What are all the digits of pi 3.14?

3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211. This is all I can memorize. 176 digits.

What is done on pi day?

You can have competitions for how much pi someone knows vs. someone else, memorize pi, eat pie, study the origin of pi, teach others about pi, blog about it, and, most of all, solve math problems involving pi.

How do you memorize first hundred pi?

You're better asking Lu Chao of China who in 2005 set a world record for memorising the first 67,890 digits of pi.

Can you memorize PI by using things called 'mnemonics' and What is a 'mnemonic'?

A mnemonic is a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something. It is possible to memorize the digits of pi in this way. Some people have memorized stories where each successive word has the same number of letters as a corresponding digit of pi. "How I wish I could calculate pi" is pi to six places. "May I have a large container of coffee?" is pi to seven places.

How does your eye memorize things?

its a special gift that only some people are born with called photographical memory. its when whenever you look at somthing you memorize it. You cant teach your eyes to do that

How do you memorize pi in a day?

look it up on the web then just remember it with parts at a time. without looking the most i know is 3.141592654.