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I think yes or no

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Q: Do t distributions have less spread than normal distributions?
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Why t-distributions tend to be flatter and more spread out than normal distribution?

T-distributions tend to be flatter and more spread out than normal distributions due to their heavier tails. Unlike the normal distribution, which has thin tails, t-distributions account for uncertainty in sample variance estimation, making them more robust for smaller sample sizes. The additional variability inherent in t-distributions arises from the incorporation of the sample size through the degrees of freedom parameter. As the degrees of freedom decrease, the t-distribution becomes more spread out and flatter, reflecting increased uncertainty and variability in the estimates. This property makes t-distributions well-suited for inferential statistics, particularly when dealing with small sample sizes.

Can you use this less than 5 percent rule for all normal probability distributions?

The answer depends on what "this less than 5 percent rule" is, in contrast to some other 5 percent rule!

Why normal distribution is better than other distributions?

It may not be better, but there is a lot of information on the normal distribution. It is one of the most widely used in statistics.

Find the z-score that is less than the mean and for which 70 percent of distributions area lies to its right?

It is z = -0.5244

What are the characteristics of mean as a measure of central tendency?

One of the characteristics of mean when measuring central tendency is that when there are positively skewed distributions, the mean is always greater than the median. Another characteristic is that when there are negatively skewed distributions, the mean is always less than the median.

Is Acidosis defined as a blood pH less than normal?

True/Yes Acidosis is defined as a blood pH less than normal

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cancer in the pancreas is the deadlist.mortality rates are less than 3% but less than 1% if the cancer has spread.

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Water is a liquid. Anything that has molecules more spread out than solids but less spread out than gases are liquids.

Is concentrated energy more useful than spread out energy?

Yes, usually. Basically, concentrated energy has less entropy than when it is spread out.

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What is normal plateau pressure?

Less than 30CMH2o