Exactly as you might divide any other pair of numbers. Long division, short division, and calculators are among several effective methods.
You divide the top by the bottom
Multiply or divide top and bottom of the fraction by the same non-zero number. For example, if you have the fraction 2/3, you can multiply both numbers by 2, to get 4/6, which is an equivalent fraction to 2/3. Similarly, if you have the fraction 4/6, you can divide top and bottom by 2, to get the simpler fraction 2/3.
To divide a fraction, you take the numerator (top number) and divide it by the denominator (bottom number).For example, for the fraction 1/2, you would take 1 divided by 2 which equals 0.5 (5 tenths), 1/2 or 50%.
Division: Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).
Exactly as you might divide any other pair of numbers. Long division, short division, and calculators are among several effective methods.
do you divide by the top or bottom number
Any fraction can be rearranged as a division problem. Divide the top number by the bottom number.In this case, divide 4 by 24 and get 0.166666... ■
its just like dividing two normal numbers but you just divide the top and the bottom by the same number
The answer you get when you divide is called the quotient.It is the number on top of the whole division problem.
You divide top and bottom by the same number, if you find a common factor. For example, if your fraction is 9/12, you check whether top and bottom have any common factor greater than one (in this case, the common factor is 3), and then you divide top and bottom by 3, to get 3/4.
Multiply the top and bottom or divide top and bottom of a fraction by the same number. For example: 10/20 Divide top and bottom by 10 to get 1/2 Multiply top and bottom by 2 to get 20/40.
Yes I can: 0.125 = 125/1000 = 25/200 (divide top and bottom by 5) = 5/40 (divide top and bottom by 5) = 1/8 (divide top and bottom by 5)
Multiply top and bottom by same number eg 5 / 8 , * top and bottom by 3 = 15 / 24 > Divide top and bottom by same number eg 5 / 8 , divide top and bottom by 2 = 2.5 / 4
it seperates the numertor and denominator and it indicates division. To evaluate it, solve the top and bottom first, then divide the numerator by the denominator
1/3. Divide top and bottom by 10, you get 4/12. Divide top and bottom by 4, you get 1/3.