When you multiply numbers, you get their product.
The product of two or more numbers means to multiply them.
The answer to a multiplication question is the product.
Other words for multiply is product.
When you multiply two numbers, you get the product
Product = multiply.
MultiplyThe product is the answer when you Multiply
When you multiply numbers, you get their product.
they multiply to a product
The product of two or more numbers means to multiply them.
-- Multiply their numerators to get the numerator of their product. -- Multiply their denominators to get the denominator of their product.
The PRODUCT function allows you to multiply things. You can use it to multiply 2 or more numbers. If you wanted to multiply 5 by 2 you could do this: =PRODUCT(5,2) If you wanted to multiply 7 by 9 by 14 you could do this: =PRODUCT(7,9,14)
when you multiply the product what does it make
The answer to a multiplication question is the product.
Other words for multiply is product.