NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).
MultiplyThe product is the answer when you Multiply
You multiply the percent ( so 40% = .4) by the number then add the product to the original number.
Product means multiply by.Lets call our "any number" x12 + 9 * x is normally written as 9x + 12
"Product" means to multiply. "Sum" means to add.
Product means to multiply the operands. The product of 5 and 6 is 30. Sum means to add the operands. The sum of 5 and 6 is 11.
Product = multiply.
Product= the total of two integers multiplied together Sum= The total of two integers added together
224 & 226 ˆ | | Unfortunately, this is incorrect because 'product' means multiply. I know what you did there- you thought that product means add. There are no such whole numbers that multiply by each other to make 450 and have a difference of 2!! :D
The product of two or more numbers means to multiply them.
No it mean to multiply
It means you need to multiply 7 by 14 and then add 1 to the answer.It means you need to multiply 7 by 14 and then add 1 to the answer.It means you need to multiply 7 by 14 and then add 1 to the answer.It means you need to multiply 7 by 14 and then add 1 to the answer.
That means that you multiply them.
Increase means ''add'' and decrease means ''take away''
72 product means multiply I HELP A LOT!
Product means to multiply so it would be 7n.