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Q: Does Technical English make use of descriptive devices?
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How can I improve my technical SEO?

Are you trying to improve your technical SEO? Well, you’re in the right place. We’re going to tell you exactly what we did and how it worked. Make sure you have a good technical SEO plan Make sure that all of your pages are optimized for mobile devices (you can use Google’s tests to do this) Make sure that all pages have titles and descriptions with keywords in them (this is called meta tagging)

What is a descriptive language?

Descriptive language is language that provides detailed sensory descriptions to create a vivid and clear image in the reader's or listener's mind. It uses adjectives, adverbs, and specific details to paint a picture or evoke emotions. This type of language is often used in storytelling, poetry, and creative writing to engage the audience.

What noise does a donkey or mule make?

The descriptive word is 'bray'.

Two words joined by a hyphen make a?

.descriptive adjective

What is facility of technical writing?

This refers to the devices used by the writer to make his report easy to read and understand. In most cases, report writing depends more on pacing, sequesnce, arrangement and continuity of ideas as well as information

What are the things to consider in writing descriptive paragraph?

Descriptive para is a type of para which comprise introduction,body and conclusion.

What are the parts of descriptive research?

Descriptive research includes observational methods, case study methods, and survey methods. They are used to describe situations instead of make predictions about them.

Make information resulting from processing available for use?

Output devices.

Which is the best way to make certain that graphs are Easy to interpret-?

The best way to make graphs that are easy to interpret is using a suitable scale.

What are the devices that make used of electromagnet?

AC/DC Motors, Generators etc. are the devices that make Used of electromagnets.

How do you use artery in a sentence?

An artery is a thing in my body. Make it more descriptive tho. :)

What does it mean when the cattle are lowing?

It's just another word for the other English language descriptive of "mooing." This in itself is incorrect because, in real life cows don't go "moo," rather they make more of a "maauhhh" sound.