It is not proper English grammar. If used in a sentence "He setted up a tent" you would change it to "He already set a tent up" or something close to it.
This will probably seem like the most screwed up answer ever, but I thought of it when I read your question. Yes, that question does make sense, because, if you were to take away all the words (excluding make and sense); you would have 'make sense'. There for, it does make sense. (: A better answer, though, is that it might make sense if you place before another question; though alone, it is a proper sentence; yet it is not comprehensive.
Actually, it does! If you don't make sense, people... won't understand you! So, it does make a BUNCH of sense to make sense, LOL! (Do not, ever, ask a question like this! It seriously makes NO sense!)
If you are writing a poem and trying to rhyme 'make sense' with something then it would be perfectly fine to just use rhyme for 'sense'. here are some examples:hencepencedenseagainstdefensefencetenserentsgentsdentsSpenseKent'stentsdispensewhenceventscents
Yes it does because it does not make sense look below7x=14 that wouldn't make sense
Set or Setted
Your question doesn't make sense.
No. The correct past participle is set.
The question doesn't make much sense. The Earth is always"lined up" with the Sun, in the sense that you can always draw a line through two points.The question doesn't make much sense. The Earth is always"lined up" with the Sun, in the sense that you can always draw a line through two points.The question doesn't make much sense. The Earth is always"lined up" with the Sun, in the sense that you can always draw a line through two points.The question doesn't make much sense. The Earth is always"lined up" with the Sun, in the sense that you can always draw a line through two points.
Yes it sure can.
This will probably seem like the most screwed up answer ever, but I thought of it when I read your question. Yes, that question does make sense, because, if you were to take away all the words (excluding make and sense); you would have 'make sense'. There for, it does make sense. (: A better answer, though, is that it might make sense if you place before another question; though alone, it is a proper sentence; yet it is not comprehensive.
A caribou has a good sense of hearing to make it harder for a predator to sneak up on it.
Question does not make sense
To Make It Make Sense was created in 2009.
No. No, it doesn't. Are you certain "gleem" is a word?
Yes she did, he had rehired her in March to do his tour make-up, so I guess it made sense for her to be the one to do his funeral make-up as well.