No. most shoot 25- 300 rps. the Russian grazyev- shipunov GSh-6-23 cannon, with 10,000 rpm, maybe can shoot 500 rps.
All of them.
hold L/R for a few second
Fire wizards because death wizards and fire wizards are more close then any other school because first of all death spells are making the foe weaker and then heal you or your friend and fire is about damage over time that means over and over again
Yes. There is a gun called the M-134 minigun that shoots approx. 300 rounds per second.
Bullets travel at different speeds. Bullets from handguns and rifles can travel from a few hundred feet per second to several thousand feet per second.
maybe a minigun? they have a super high rate of fire and they fire small bullets. it might also be a cannon. They're the very long ones.
That would be a rotating multi-barrel machinegun, such as the Dillon Aero 5.56 minigun. It has an adjustable rate of fire, with a maximum of about 6000 shots per minute.
You're probably thinking of the M134 'Minigun', which is capable of firing at a rate of 6000 rounds per minute.
Theoretically - yes, you could suppress a minigun. Realistically however, it would be impractical at best. Not only would you need a suppressor for each barrel, the rate of fire and heat generated would most likely wear out the suppressors faster than you could replace them. The rounds would also need to be subsonic (under 1080 feet/second) for a suppressor to have any real effect, if not you will still have the 'crack' the bullets make as they move towards the target. And this is completely ignoring the noise generated by the motor powering the minigun and the sound of the action as it feeds/ejects rounds.
600 rounds per minute, (10 bullets in a second)
I assume you mean the M134 Minigun - but the term is also used with other powered Gatling Guns. The M134 has a selectable rate of fire from 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute.
The fire rate of miniguns starts from around 2000 rounds per minute and minigun that has the fastest rate today shoots close to one million rounds per minute.
No. The rapid fire mod simply increases your bullets per second ratio.
The M-134D and M-134DT fires 50 rounds every second, or about 3,000 rounds per minute. Meaning the six barrels rotate up to 1112 RPM in half a second.