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Q: You have 4 sides but only one set of parallel lines who am i?
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Does a trapezoid have opposite sides parallel?

no, only one side of parallel lines

Does a square only have one side of parallel lines?

One side cannot be parallel because parallel is a relationship between two lines (or sides). A square has two pairs of parallel lines.

Can I make a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides?

no? because in order to be a quadrilateral you need 4 sides. a pair of parallel lines in just 2 lines. parallel lines also never touch.

Does a trapezoid have 1 set of parallel lines?

A quadrilateral must have one and only one set of a parallel sides to be a trapezoid.

What shape has one parallel side only?

Answer: trapezoid Answer: There is no such thing as "one parallel side". Parallel refers to the relationship between TWO lines - so, two lines can either be parallel, or not be parallel. A shape can have one PAIR of parallel sides (e.g. a trapezoid), two PAIRS of parallel sides (e.g., a parallelogram), or more than that (e.g., a regular hexagon has three pairs of parallel sides).

What shape has 2 parallel lines 2 parallel angles and only one pair of opposite sides is parallel?

The shape you are describing is called a trapezoid. It has two parallel sides, two parallel angles, and only one pair of opposite sides is parallel.

What is a perallelogram with one pair of parallel lines?

If it has only one pair of parallel sides and not two, then it's not a parallelogram. It's a trapezium (trapezoid).

What shape has 4 sides 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles and only one pair of parallel lines?

A trapezoid has 4 sides, 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles, and only one pair of parallel sides

What is a parallel figure?

A shape that has all parallel sides, like a square, rectangle, or a rhombus. A trapazoid wouldn't be one because only one set of lines are parallel.

What shape has one pair of parallel sides of different lengths and two right angles?

A trapezium (has only one pair of unequal parallel lines).

Does A trapezoid has only one pair of opposite sides parallel?

yes It does A trapezoid is a triangle with Its head Chopped off so a Trapezoid Only has one pair of parallel Lines.

Does a rhombus only have one set of parallel lines?

No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides. A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram. It has all four sides equal length.