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No. A rectangle of 1 x 3 has the same perimeter as a rectangle of 2 x 2, but the areas are different.

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Q: Does changing the area always change the perimeter?
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How do the area and perimeter of the area of a figure change when it's dimensions change?

The answer depends entirely on how the dimensions change. It is possible to change the dimensions without changing the perimeter. It is also possible to change the dimensions without changing the area. (And it is possible to change the area without changing the perimeter.)

How do you change the perimeter of a triangle without changing it's area?

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How many acres inside a perimeter 50 mile long?

The perimeter of a shape does not determine its area. The shape can be made thinner without changing its perimeter but reducing its area.

Is perimeter always greater than the area?

No the area is almost always greater.

Sides of traingle giving equal permeter and area?

I am assuming that "traingle" is meant to be triangle and "permeter" is meant to be perimeter.The area of a triangle cannot be equal to its perimeter because the area is a measure in 2-dimensional space whereas a perimeter is a 1-dimensional measure. So their dimensions will always be different.Furthermore, the area of a triangle is not determined by its perimeter. The area of a triangle can be changed - without affecting its perimeter - simply by changing the angles.

How can the perimeter stay the same and the area change?

4x4 square: perimeter - 16 area - 16 6x2 rectangle perimeter - 16 area - 12

How many acres inside an area 0.50 mile around?

The perimeter of a shape does not determine its area. The shape can be made thinner without changing its perimeter but reducing its area.

Is the area always larger than the perimeter?

No the area is not always larger than the perimeter. Ex. The area of a reectangle could be 4 feet. The width could be 4 while the length is 1. The perimeter total would be 10.

How does the perimeter and area of a square change when its dimensions change?

A 3 x 3 square has perimeter 12 and area 9 A 6 x 6 square has perimeter 24 and area 36 Double the dimensions, double the perimeter, quadruple the area. Mathematically, a square with side x has a perimeter of 4x and an area of x2 Doubled, a square with side 2x has a perimeter of 8x and an area of 4x2

Is area always more or equal to the perimeter in a square?

The area of a square is equal to twice the square's perimeter.

Does a shape with a smaller perimeter always have a smaller area?

No, the size of the perimeter and the area of a shape are not always directly related. For example, a circle with a small perimeter can have a larger area compared to a square with a larger perimeter. The area of a shape is determined by the size of its dimensions, whereas the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of its sides.

Is The area of a rectangle always greater than the perimeter?

To answer this simply try a few out for yourself. In a 2x1 cm rectangle, the area is 2 cm squared and the perimeter is 6 cm In a 12x10 rectangle, the area is 120 cm squared and the perimeter is 44 cm. In some cases, the perimeter is larger and in others it is smaller. To answer your question, no, the perimeter of a rectangle is NOT always greater than its area.