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For a fixed perimeter, the area will always be the same, regardless of how you describe the rectangle.

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Q: In general describe the rectangle that has the least area for a fixed perimeter?
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How do describe a rectangle with whole number dimensions that has the greatest perimeter for a fixed area?

You dont

Which rectangle has the greatest area for a fixed perimeter?

The greatest area for a fixed perimeter will be when all the sides are equal or when the rectangle approaches the shape of a square.

What is the maximum area for a rectangle whose perimeter is 136?

The maximum area for a rectangle of fixed perimeter is that of the square that can be formed with the given perimeter. 136/4 = 34, so that the side of such a square will be 34 and its area 342 = 1156.

What is fixed perimeter?

fixed perimeter is the perimeter being fixed

The length of a rectangle is fixed at 24 cm what widths will mame the perimeter greater than 100cm?

P (perimeter of a rectangle) = 2*l+2*w 2*24+2*w > 100 2*w > 52 w > 26 Any width greater than 26cm will cause the perimeter to be greater than 100cm.

What is a fixed perimeter?

A perimeter that will not change.

Do all shapes with fixed perimeter have same area?

nope because if u have a square with a side length of 4 then the perimeter is 16 and the area is 16 and say if u have a rectangle with side lengths of 2 and 6 then the perimeter is 16 but the area is 12 so the answer is no

How do you find the area of a rectangle with only the perimeter?

The clever person might realize that, though an infinite number of rectangles can be created with a fixed perimeter, there is a maximum and minimum area that any rectangle formed under the constriction can have. And we can work with that. The minimum area will be "near" zero. (With an area "at" zero, the rectangle will collapse and/or disappear.) The rectangle with "maximumized" area for a fixed perimeter will be a square. Its side (designated by "s") will be one fourth of the perimeter (designated by "p"). If s = p/4 and we use the formula for finding the area (As) of a square substituing our "p/4" for the side length "s" we will get the equation: As = (p/4)2 Our rectangle(s) will all have an area (Ar) within this range: Zero is less than Ar which is less than or equal to (p/4)2 Though we couldn't come up with a precise answer, we came up with the next best thing with the information supplied.

A carpenter is building a rectangular room with a fixed perimeter of 376 ft What dimensions would yield the maximum area What is the maximum area?

The rectangle with the most area for a given perimeter is the square.Build the room square, with sides of 94-ft. The area is 8,836 square ft.

What is the length and width of a rectangle that has a fixed perimeter of 15 meters?

Conventionally, length > width. With that assumption, if L is the length and W the width (both in metres) then 3.75 < L < 7.5 and W = 7.5 - L If L = 3.75 then W = L and the rectangle becomes a square.

What is the relationship between the perimeter and area when area is fixed?

For a fixed area, the perimeter is minimum for a circle, but has no maximum. Fractal figures (such as Koch snowflake) may have a finite area within an infinite perimeter.

The width of a rectangle is fixed at 14 cm What lengths will make the perimeter greater than 98 cm?

L + W = P/2 = 49 so Length must be greater than 35 cm