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Density is independent of the amount of material in a sample. A sample of a homogeneous substance used to find the density can have any volume. If a cm3 of the substance weighs 8.1 grams, then 10 cm3 will weigh 81.0 grams.

We might consider water in a glass or bottle as an example. A small sample will have a given weight (mass) because water has a given density. Ten times that sample volume will have ten times the mass of that volume of water. The density of water does not change if we examine water in a small glass and another sample of the same water in a gallon jug.

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Q: Does density depend on how much sample you use?
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What equation would you use to express the density of a mineral sample?

density = mass / volume

How do you find the density of gold?

To find the density of gold, you would need to divide the mass of the gold sample by its volume. The density of gold is typically around 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter. So, if you have the mass and volume of the gold sample, you can use this information to calculate its density.

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To find the density of water at a specific temperature, you can use a reference table or formula that provides the density of water at different temperatures. Alternatively, you can measure the mass and volume of a sample of water at that temperature and use the formula density mass/volume to calculate the density.

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This depends on the nature and form of the sample:- for a solid with a regulate shape weight the sample and calculate the volume from the dimensions; density is the ratio between mass and volume. You can measure the volume of great sample by water displacement.- for other solids use a pycnometer- for liquids use a densimeter (simple or electronic)etc.

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The density of a small solid sample can be determined by using the displacement method. This involves submerging the sample in a known volume of liquid (such as water) and measuring the volume of liquid displaced. The density is then calculated by dividing the mass of the sample by the volume of liquid displaced.

How do you test the density of wood?

One common method to test the density of wood is to measure the mass and dimensions of the wood sample, then calculate its volume. By dividing the mass of the wood sample by its volume, you can determine the density of the wood in grams per cubic centimeter. Another method is to use a densitometer, a device specifically designed to measure the density of materials like wood.

How would you use the density formula to find the volume or mass of a sample?

You have to know two out of three ... mass, volume, density ... then you can find the missing one. If density is missing . . . Density = (mass)/(volume) If mass is missing . . . Mass = (density) x (volume) If volume is missing . . . Volume = (mass)/(density)

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To find the volume of mercury, you need to know the density and the mass of the sample. Once you have the mass, you can use the formula: volume = mass/density to calculate the volume of mercury.

How much ice water will it take to cool the sample to 20 degrees celsius?

To calculate the amount of ice water needed to cool the sample to 20 degrees Celsius, you would need the initial temperature of the sample, the mass of the sample, and the specific heat capacities of water and ice. With this information, you could use the equation q = m * c * ΔT to determine the quantity of ice water needed to cool the sample.

How did early prospectors use density to determine whether they had found gold or pyrite?

Early prospectors used density to determine whether they had found gold or pyrite by comparing the weight of the mineral sample to its volume. Gold has a higher density than pyrite, so a sample of gold would feel heavier for its size compared to a sample of pyrite. By calculating the density of the sample using the formula density = mass/volume, prospectors could determine if they had found gold or pyrite based on the density value obtained.

A sample of iron has a volume of 10 dot 0 mL The density of iron is 7 dot 87 gmL Which is the correct expression to calculate the mass of the sample using dimensional analysis?

To calculate the mass of the sample using dimensional analysis, you would use the expression: mass = volume × density Substitute the given values for volume (10.0 mL) and density (7.87 g/mL) into the expression to calculate the mass of the iron sample.

How do you use sample in a sentence?

"This is a sample of how to use the word 'sample' in a sentence."