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Technically it only works with multiplication. You can also use it with division, if the division appears on the RIGHT side, for example: (3 + 2) / 5 = 3 / 5 + 2 / 5. This can be justified by the fact that dividing by 5 is the same as multiplying by 1/5. To check other cases, convert the division to a multiplication, and see whether the distributive property applies to the corresponding multiplication.

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7y ago

Yep. Just like 4(x + y) = 4x + 4y, so does (x + y)/4 = x/4 + y/4. It makes sense, because you can also think of it as multiplying by 1/4.

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Yes, it does. Incidentally, division by a [non-zero] number, y, is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal, 1/y.

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Q: Does the Distributive Property work with division and addition too not just multiplication and addition?
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Is distributive property a multiplication or division word?

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Associative works for addition and multiplication. Commutative works for addition and multiplication Distributive works for addition, multiplication and subtraction as well as some combinations of them, but not for division. Nothing works for division.

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2k + 10 is an expression. The distributive property is a property of one binary operation (typically multiplication, or right-division) over another (addition or subtraction) for elements of a set (numbers); not a property of expressions.

Does the distributive property use order of operations?

Yes. The distributive property is multiplication. You have 2(4 + 5), you are basically multiplying (2 * 4) + (2 * 5), which is the third step down in the order of operations. PEMDAS Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication / Division (from left - right) Addition / Subtraction (from left - right)

How do use distributive property with division?

To be picky, the distributive property is about multiplication, but division is defined in terms of multiplication, so your question can be answered!Say you have (6xy+15y)/(3y). The distributive property will say this is equal to 6xy/3y + 15y/3y = 2x + 5.Notice that the "/3y" has been distributed onto each term inside the parentheses.

The Commutative Property does not work for which operations?

Addition and multiplication

Why doesn't the distributive property always work for division?

The distributive property works is defined for multiplication and addition: a (b + c) = ab + ac also: (a + b)c = ac + bc For a division, it works if you can convert it into a multiplication, in a form similar to the above. For example: (10 + 2) / 2 can be converted into a multiplication; in this case, dividing by 2 is equivalent to multiplying by 1/2: (10 + 2) (1/2) = (10 x 1/2) + (2 x 1/2) If the sum is in the divisor, for example: 15 / (1 + 2) then there is no way you can convert it into an equivalent multiplication, which conforms to the forms used for the distributive property.

What is the distibutive property mean?

The distributive property is a property that relates to two binary operations and operates over a set.According to the distributive property of multiplication over division, if a, b and c are three elements of a set S, thena*(b + c) = a*b+a*cMultiplication is also distributive over subtraction.

Does the distributive property apply to division?

Division is distributive over addition only in terms of addition with the numerator, but not the denominator. That is, (a + b)/x = a/x + b/x but y/(c + d) ≠ y/c + y/d

What is property in math?

addition,subtraction,multiplication,and division.

Properties used to solve equation?

Addition and subtraction property of equalityMultiplication and division property of equalityDistributive property of multiplication over additionAlso,Identity property of multiplicationZero property of addition and subtraction.

Is addition distributive over division?
