

Best Answer

There really isn't a symbol there. Here are some mathematical symbols if that's what you are looking for. One of the things missing here is: Pi

a + b


Add the two numbers.

a - b


Subtract the second number from the first.ab,

a xb,



Multiply one number times the other.


or a/ b

Divided by

Divide the first number by the second.

a = b


The two numbers are equal in value.

a b

Does not equal

The two numbers are not equal in value.

a b

Approximately equal

The two numbers are approximately equal in value.

a < b

Less than

The first number has a lesser value than the second.

a > b

Greater than

The first number has a greater value than the second.

a b

Less than or equal to

The first number has a value that is less than or equal to the second.

a b

Greater than or equal to

The first number has a value that is greater than or equal to the second.



The product of all whole numbers from 1 to a.


a squared

Multiply a times a.

Square root

The number which multiplied by itself equals a.


Sum or summation

The sum of all of the numbers that a can equal.

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