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what is more fisrt because i have money- send= more so i have to figure that out

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Q: Each letter is this addition problem represent a different digit What is the value of each letter send more money?
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What is the letter that represent the composite number?

The letter that represent the composite number is letter C.

What is the meaning of y in math?

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What is a short addition to the end of a letter?

A short addition to the end of a letter is called a postscript.ÊTo add this addition to a letter, the abbreviation, PS, is used.

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A four letter word for 'in addition to' is also.

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A letter used to represent a number is a variable of sometimes a constant.

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The letter 'I' is used to represent current. Its SI units are the ampere,(amps),(A).

What does mean in every letter in courage?

Literal meaning for courage is strength for facing some grief or difficult moment. The word is not an abbreviation, and therefore each letter does not represent a different meaning.

What is a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown value?

If you are talking about math then its usually " x " but if that is already use in the expression and you want to use another symbol to represent a DIFFERENT number then you can use y or a or so on.

What is the abbreviation that represents the letter r in math?

There is no need for an abbreviation to represent the letter r since it is only one letter long, and is not a particularly difficult character to write. Conversely, the letter r is used as an abbreviation to represent a number of different concepts/measures, some of which follow: r = radius, regression coefficient, radians, the second parameter in permutations and combinations.

What does the letter A represent on this diagram?


What does w represent in Roman numerals?

In Roman numerals, "W" does not represent any specific value. Roman numerals use letters such as I, V, X, L, C, D, and M to represent different values. The largest value represented by a single letter in Roman numerals is 1,000, which is represented by the letter "M".

What Expressions that use a letter to represent and unknown quantity?

An algebraic expression uses a letter to represent an unknown quantity.