Reflectionism is not a religion but a practice; it is a reformation to one's own belief system. Too many people are single-minded and self-absorbed. Such selfishness creates partisan focused edicts which make it easy to conserve bias realities.
What does promoting equality mean ?
The idea of equality was radical in the 1770s was because they felt like equality really needed to be found and be used. Some people liked and disliked equality and everyone felt different about it.
distributive property of equality
An equality defines a specific point (or points). An inequality can define an interval.
SI think that there is no disadvantage in equality. It is because when there will be equality then every individuals will have the right to do anything,which is an advantage of it.But then also,one disadvantage is that if all of us will be equal then no one can scold anyone even teachers cannot scold them.
Democray insures the equality of oppurtunity, not the equality of conditions
Oppurtunity, Rights, Liberty, Democracy and Equality
The Five Founding Ideals Are Opportunity, Equality, Democracy, Liberty, And Rights
Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity,Space and oppurtunity!!!!!! Um all i know is that Theron Dingas is Gay!! Oh and Ryan has a big head!!
opportunity seizing
because i have no oppurtunity to get a work on what i finish in college
by giving people the oppurtunity to prove themselves in a business
i America is known as "The Land of Oppurtunity" or "The Land of Freedom"
Office of Economic Oppurtunity
len electronic ne ocupation venus oppurtunity
5 op-pur-tun-it-ty
oppurtunity for women to become doctors in the united states of america.