Estimate 4883 by 7 and the division problem solved we get 697.57.
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
210 divided by -7
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. Other parts of a division problem are called diviser and dividend. The answer to a divide question is called the quotient. For example, in the expression 14 / 2 = 7, 7 is the quotient.
210 divided by -7
The quotient is the answer in a division problem. 4 divided by 7 = 0.571428 repeating
70.3/10 is one example.
A quotient is the answer of any division problem. So 49/7=7. 49 and 7 is your 2 numbers.
The answer to a division problem is a quotient. 7 ÷ 14 = 1/2
The "quotient" is the solution to a division problem. For example: in the problem 147/7 = 21 147 is the dividend (or numerator,) 7 is the divisor (or denominator,) and 21 is the quotient. If there is anything left over after the division, that would be called the remainder. Note that the terms numerator and denominator are usually used in the context of fractions whereas dividend and divisor are used in the context of division. However, those contexts are equivalent, since fractions are really an expression of a division problem.