A reasonable estimate of the sum of 78 and 119 is 197.
One estimate is 800 although there is really no need t estimate such a simple sum: it is 778.
Why do you need to ESTIMATE? The exact answer is easy enough to determine! It is 94.
A reasonable estimate is 1000. The actual total is 1016.
sum means addition so 241+6= 247
the sum of two consecutive integers is -241, what is the larger integer?
Because the correct sum of 305 and 98 is 403.
The sum is 2.05 and you don;t need to estimate such a simple sum!
Average = sum/5 = 130
You may think that there is a unique solution to that problem, but that is not the case. Any positive number can be added to the negative version of itself to obtain a sum of zero (-589 added to 589 is zero, etc.) The simplest case, of course, is to add zero to zero, getting a total of zero.
A reasonable estimate of the sum of 78 and 119 is 197.
One estimate is 800 although there is really no need t estimate such a simple sum: it is 778.
Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten.​ Then, find the sum.221122plus+33554455​_​_The estimated sum is nothing.
It depends on your level of numerical skill. You can convert the decimal to an approximate fraction and estimate the sum of the two fractions, or you can convert the fraction to an approximate decimal and estimate the sum of the two decimals or, if you are more able you just estimate their sum directly.
It is 61: you do not need to estimate a sum as simple as that!