Ah, the Musketeers! All for One.... When one of the group is in peril or needs help, all the others rush to his aid, even if that means destruction or death while trying to help that one. One, two, or twenty or more dead to rescue the one is not considered wrong. All for One. One for All....For the betterment of the group, it is expected that sometimes one may have to be sacrificed or even die. And each in the group understands that point. Not just philisophically, but with the accute knowledge that HE might be that one. One for All. In perspective: For the betterment of all, it is accepted that sometimes one or more must be sacrificed or fall by the wayside in battle. When the enemy understands that dedication, then they understand that it is impossible to break the group by singling out one individual. To attack one is to attack all. All for One. Also, each member of the group knows that everything hangs together ONLY if one, lonely person is willing to make a sacrifice, or the ultimate sacrifice, to save the rest. One for All.
yes if they are the same size
infinity could be anything or nothing at all you pretty much cant explain it.
All parallelograms are not rectangles. The angles of a parallelogram need not be right angles and so the figure need not be a rectangle.
Newton's F=ma is an example of a law that could explain all motion in the universe.
No one can explain love. It can be because they like your looks, your intelligence, your kindness, etc. It doesn't have to be all of these to explain love.
A meteor struck and they all died
In explaining the position one is willing to choose, one should state all facts and explain. Examples must also be enumerated and remember to be clear and concise.
There is only one thing you can do. All you can do is to keep doing you best at everything that you do.
One that has has to be Thought about. Acceptance of all without judgement= Normal. If I have to think this one out, it doesn't belong in the mix of normal. Or Me.
Yes, I am sure some one can.
There are many documents which are broken down into sections. In order to explain what section 1 is all about, one would have to know which document they are looking at and possibly research any help material available to make it easier to understand.
Your question makes no sense at all; which ought to explain why no one's given you an answer.
They all started with a simple one celled molecule