Fifteen is to five as nine is to three, because 15 divided by 3 equals 5, and 9 divided by 3 equals 3.
15 : 5 as 9 : 3
Nine plus fifteen is 24!
The sum of twenty-five and fifteen = 25 + 15 = 40
Fifteen and forty-five hundredths
nine and three hundred fifteen thousandths is 9315/1000 or 9.315 in decimal format.
15 : 5 as 9 : 3
One thousand five hundred and nine or fifteen hundred and nine
Forty and nine hundred and fifteen thousandths. Forty point nine one five. Four zero point nine one five.
Yes, you can say "It's fifteen to nine" to indicate it is 8:45. This is a common way to express time in English.
Seventeen and five thousand, nine hundred fifteen ten-thousandths.
Fifteen million, seventy-nine thousand, three hundred forty-five point six eight.
neuf un cinq (nine one five)orneuf cent quinze (nine hundred and fifteen)
nine times five and fifteen times three is all i know
Nine plus fifteen is 24!
Between ten past nine in the morning and fifteen minutes later - (that is twenty five past nine in the morning), there are zero hours and fifteen minutes.
15:5 (15 is to 5) as 9:3 (9 is to 3)