

Find the average of 3 4 5?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The answer is 4.

How did i do it? It's pretty easy:

1) First of all, you add all the numbers. THe answer of course is 12.

2) Secondly, you divide the number by how many numbers there is. The answer is 3.

3) Last of all, you have your answer!

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11y ago
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Q: Find the average of 3 4 5?
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How do you find out the average?

Add up all the numbers and divide that total by the number of numbers. 1+ 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 15/5 = 3 The average is 3

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Take all of the individual numbers you wish to find the average of and add them together to find a total. Then divide that total by however many individual numbers you added. e.g. The average of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10 is (1+2+3+4+10)/5 so 20/5 which is 4. This is how to find the mean which is what "average" usually refers to although there are other averages.

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The average is 5.

How do you find the average in math terms?

ok hers an example. 1+3+5+7 find the average. those 4 numbers =16. how many numbrs are there? 4. 16 divided by 4. equals 4.

What are the objectives of averaging?

Averaging is to find the middle ground of something. For instance: (2+3+4+5+6)÷5 = 4 (So the average of the 5 numbers in the example above is 4.)

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The average of {1,2,3,4,5} is 3 so the answer is 3*4 = 12.

How can you find the grade average from 5 wrong out of 20?

You got 75% correct.Reason:5 is 1/4 of 20, therefore meaning that you got 3/4 correct. And of course 3/4 = .75, or 75%

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