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Q: From a population with a variance of 900 a sample of 225 items is selected At 95 percent confidence the margin of error is?
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What does a 95 percent confidence interval tell you about the population proportion?

There is a 95% probability that the true population proportion lies within the confidence interval.

When the sample size and sample standard deviation remain the same a 99 percent confidence interval for a population mean will be narrower than the 95 percent confidence interval for the mean?


Why can you never really have 100 percent confidence of correctly estimating the population characteristic of interest?

because the mean is not eual

What a correlation of 0.30 means that the independent variable explains -- percent of the variance in the dependent variable?

The independent variable explains .32*100 percent of the variance in the dependent variable.This is 9%.The explainable variance is always the square of the correlation (r).

When determining the 95 percent confidence interval for a population mean with known sigma the value of the critical value of z is equal to?


Compute the population mean margin of error for a 90 percent confidence interval when sigma is 4 and the sample size is 36?


1600 budget 1595 actual amount percent of variance?

If the budgeted amount is 0 and the actual amount is $300, what is the variance percentage?

99 percent confidence interval Population mean 24.4 to 38.0 find the mean sample?

if the confidence interval is 24.4 to 38.0 than the average is the exact middle: 31.2, and the margin of error is 6.8

What would happen to the width of the confidence interval if the level of confidence is lowered from 95 percent to 90 percent?


Is a 95 percent confidence interval for a mean wider than a 99 percent confidence interval?

No, it is not. A 99% confidence interval would be wider. Best regards, NS

If Web Search Results for A bank wishes to estimate the mean balances owed by their MasterCard customers within 75 The population standard deviation is estimated to be 300 If a 98 percent confidence?

A bank wishing to estimate the mean balances owed by their MasterCard customers within 75 miles with a 98 percent confidence can use the following formula to calculate the required sample size: Sample size = (Z-score)2 * population standard deviation / (margin of error)2 Where Z-score = 2.326 for 98 percent confidence Population standard deviation = 300 Margin of error = desired confidence intervalSubstituting the values into the formula the required sample size is: 2.3262 * 300 / (Confidence Interval)2 = 553.7Therefore the bank would need to have a sample size of 554 to estimate the mean balances owed by their MasterCard customers within 75 miles with a 98 percent confidence.

The percent variance in Y explained by variability in X is called the?

r2, the coefficient of determination