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Why was 10 afraid of 7? Because 7 ate 9. check out:

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Q: Good Childrens jokes on math numbers?
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How do you score with a hot blonde?

From all of the jokes I've heard blondes don't seem to be very good at math.

What subject do you require for an accountant?

Math good with numbers

Did you hear about math joke?

Yes i have heard many math jokes. They are quite funny and makes you laugh so hard. Hahahaha. I will advice you to surely hear some jokes and post them on facebook too.

What does a head for numbers mean?

Someone who has 'a head for numbers', is very good with numbers, math, calculations, remembering number sequences, etc.

What does bill gates job have to do with math?

I would think that he has math in his DNA as to be a good coder you constantly deal with computing numbers ;)

What are some funny math jokes?

Why was the math book not invited to the party? -He had too many problems. Ba dum tss.

How can one be good at math but bad at physics chemistry computer science and engineering?

Science is more about vocabulary while math is about numbers

What does math have to do with payroll?

Everything. Payroll is numbers. Math is numbers.

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What do you call someone who is good with numbers?

A mathematician. Or in friendly, informal terms: a math whiz.

What are some questions that are not math today but may be math questions in your childrens times?

Mathematics is mathematics. If it could be mathematics later on, then it is mathematics now.

What does fossils have to do with math?

math actually has a lot to do with fossils, How deep it is, how old it is how big it is its all numbers and calculations so if u want to be a fossil hunter you better be good at math.