As a number it is 120,000 which makes four of them
Eight hundred thousand is 800,000; it has five (5) zeros.
There are four zeros in one hundred and fifty thousand. This is because the number 150,000 is composed of three digits (1, 5, and 0) followed by four zeros. Each zero represents a placeholder for a power of 10, indicating a value of zero in that position.
There are 3 zeros in a thousand. 100 = one hundred 1000 = one thousand
Ten thousand has four zeros. (10,000).
Five zeroes are in 430,000.
Eight hundred thousand is 800,000; it has five (5) zeros.
As a number it is 120,000 which makes four of them
There are four zeros in one hundred and fifty thousand. This is because the number 150,000 is composed of three digits (1, 5, and 0) followed by four zeros. Each zero represents a placeholder for a power of 10, indicating a value of zero in that position.
There are 3 zeros in a thousand. 100 = one hundred 1000 = one thousand
5... -_-
Ten thousand has four zeros. (10,000).
Four zeros: 260000