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If by "less than one" you mean "a fractional portion of one" ... it could; "one drink" is not scientifically defined as "the amount of alcohol required to impair someone's driving, and below which no impairment is possible".

If by "less than one" you mean "zero", then I don't see how, though an episode of the TV sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati" did show DJ "Dr." Johnny Fever's reaction speed IMPROVING as he drank more. (Mostly because during the initial test when he was sober, he didn't recognize that the test had started; as he got used to the signal, he was able to react to it more quickly even though he was quite drunk by that time.)

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no it can not

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Q: Having less than one drink can impair your driving.?
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Can 1 or less drinks impair you driving?

It depends. If you have one 12-ounce can of beer then yes, it can impair your driving.

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It depends. Any substance, such as alcohol or drugs, prescription or otherwise, that influence/impair your driving can violate state laws. The idea is that if you are not safe to drive you should not be driving. It's an issue of public safety. If you have something in your system that COULD impair your driving, then the next step is to determine if it DID impair your driving. A few ounces of beer with a meal would probably not influence/impair your driving. As you increase the concentration you make the influence/impairment more likely. Same with drugs. The short answer, low dose, less likely to impair, high dose, more likely to impair.

Having one drink may impair your driving?

Yes, even one drink can impair your ability to drive safely by affecting your coordination, reaction time, and judgment. It's safest to avoid alcohol altogether before driving to ensure you are not impaired.

Having less then one drink can impair your driving?

Alcohol can impair your reaction times and hand eye co-ordination. The way alcohol affects a person is dependent on their physiology, weight, drinking habits and metabolism. A Small amount of alcohol can actually improve your reflexes and reaction times (in short the right quantity makes you better) HOWEVER this quantity is rather small, were talking a few swallows of beer, basically a small portion of a standard drink. If you even begin to feel the affect of alcohol (tipsy) you are well beyond this affect. This effect is also short lived due to the way our bodies process and absorb alcohol

Will having less than one drink impair your driving?

Not unless it was a really big drink. One standard drink (equal to about 1/2 oz. of alcohol) will not raise your blood alcohol sufficiently to pose a problem.No.But it can screw up you grammer. It can cause you to add extra words to questions that are not needed. So please, stop drinking, your grammer is terrible.firstly lol^ and-Side note the right amount of alcohol can actually imporve your reflexes and reaction times (in short the right quantity makes you better) HOWEVER this quantity is rather small and in most people much less that a standard drink (if you can fell the effects i.e tipsy you have had to much, and if you have had 2 standard drinks or more you have had way to much to recive this effect(well you'll recive the effect when you start to drink for a brief moment then it's all down hill from there.))Read more: Will_one_alcohol_beverage_impair_your_driving

Does alcohol lowers inhibitions making a driver more aggressive and less defensive?

Yes, alcohol lowers inhibitions in general, and often makes drivers more aggressive and less defensive.

Why is driving less a good solution to air pollution?

less driving means less emissions from vehicles less driving means less emissions from vehicles

When you drink alcohol you tend to get less inhibited.?

When you drink alcohol, you tend to get less inhibited.

How can you lose weight but still eat and drink?

eat and drink less

What is a MYTH associated with drinking and boating?

One of the biggest myths associated with drinking and boating is that it is okay to do. Many people feel that it is less dangerous to drink while boating than it is while driving, this is not true.

What does DWI stand for?

DWI means "Driving While Intoxicated". These are terms used by police. In every state in our country there is a legal limit to how much alcohol you can have in your body if you are driving. If you drink and drive you can lose your driver's license and even go to jail.

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drink more coffee